Author Topic: [No support!] The only place to talk with the author for now...  (Read 1300737 times)

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Offline Akyhne

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What I ment Nao, is that you have gotten so many warnings in public topics about shutting up when arguing with people or just insulting people for being less skilled than you.

And no, I'm not hostile to you in any way.

Offline Arantor

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I think what people forget is the scale of what went on.

Getting the same request over and over and over again from people who don't read what's in front of them (e.g. those people who despite having the FAQ handy, never bothered to read it) will drive anyone to distraction.

The thing is, I'm possibly only marginally less tempered than Nao is. The difference is he had 2 more years of it than I did... and that would drive anyone nuts.
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Offline LHW

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For what it's's different when you get all those repeat questions when you're supporting a small mod that's only occasionally used.  BUT, when you have the most popular mod in the history of SMF, it's quite a different story...and stress / headache level.

Offline Akyhne

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It's an impossible task for 1 guy, hence the reason I and others tried to help out in the past.

There are a few reasons I no longer help out:
* I got kicked out of the SM team in January and couldn't bother with Simple Machines
* I'm still using SMF Media Gallery 2.0.5 because it has public albums
* I haven't had time to do the translation for Aeva Media

But my lack of help has nothing to do with Nao or the way he is. Nao as well as Aeva should stay, he just needs to learn to behave after "" standards.

Offline Nao/Gilles

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Basically, it would make me very happy to replace the functionality of all of his mods, and it seems I have some supporters in that direction too. I don't see a need to tackle SGP since I don't really see what it can do that AeMe can't, and what AeMe does better anyway.
Yeah... I remember reading the feature list recently and it had added a couple of features that weren't in AeMe, but I'd added them to my to-do-list anyway, as they're commonplace nowadays (picture tagging, etc.)
I passed it on via someone who still has access to the team, I haven't heard a reply though, and he never replied to my comments publicly about either (have a read of the Anti Spam Links mod and Ignore Topics mod threads including my asking outright if he'd bothered testing the latter, which it was clear he hadn't.)
The Ignore Topics topic is long. I didn't read it at the time. (Ah, yes, another mod that we can easily replace with my stuff.)
Anti Spam, never heard of that mod actually.
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Offline Nao/Gilles

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It's an impossible task for 1 guy, hence the reason I and others tried to help out in the past.
I never asked for anyone's help. I welcome it, though. Always have.
And I can do the support stuff.
If you look closely, SMG, Aeva and Aeva Media, which are all of the same now, have accumulated over 14.000 posts at in these three topics only. If they were merged into one, it would have twice more messages than any other topic over there. Instead of that, they're all in the Top 10 of most popular topics. That's a LOT of messages. The reason why the number of daily messages had been decreasing is that I'd implemented many things that made AeMe more accessible to noobs, such as fixing server-side configuration problems, etc. None of those questions appear on the topic anymore. The idea was that, the more questions I had about something, the more likely it would get tackled in the near future, either by adding that question to the FAQ I was preparing for the site, or by fixing the related issue.
Of course, I'll never have the opportunity to do that FAQ (known tune.)
There are a few reasons I no longer help out:
* I got kicked out of the SM team in January and couldn't bother with Simple Machines
* I'm still using SMF Media Gallery 2.0.5 because it has public albums
....Aeva Media 1.x has public albums, too. I just renamed them to regular albums, and public albums are now featured albums. I never got a complain about that change... But in terms of permissions, the new system is actually clearer, and doesn't have a single less feature.
* I haven't had time to do the translation for Aeva Media
English is good enough, most people can use it.
But my lack of help has nothing to do with Nao or the way he is. Nao as well as Aeva should stay, he just needs to learn to behave after "" standards.
Or maybe should determine whether they prefer me and my mods AND my antics, or no me, no mods, no antics, and did I mention? No mods.

The fact that they banned me WITHOUT A VALID WARNING, without announcing it either on the Aeva topic or anywhere else, and without asking me what to do with my posts, my topics and my mods, completely ridicules whatever amount of work I put into SMF, and whatever amount of respectability I accumulated on the website.

And what exactly is the SMF team complaining about, right now? That I unfairly banned Kindred off
Well, isn't Kindred part of the SMF team? Isn't he part of the team that has UNFAIRLY destroyed my life, and is still attempting to retain control over my mods, posts and topics?
Hey guys, do you realize if you don't want me over there, I don't want ANYTHING left of me over there? It's either the possibility of me going onto the website, or NOTHING?
Do you think I'm afraid of you, guys? Do you think I'm afraid of losing visibility for Aeva Media? I don't give a damn... It's been nearly a week, and I still don't give a damn. The more time passes, the less I'll care, the less I'll be adamant in getting back my account access at, the more likely I'll be porting Aeva to another forum system, and the more likely I'll be to FORCE you into deleting all of my posts, topics AND mods from your place.
It's up to you to determine whether you want this or not. And maybe Kindred, with his banned status here, will be a little more thoughtful of the frustration[1] that one feels when they're UNFAIRLY banned.
 1. And, really... Do *I* need more frustration at this point?
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Offline Nao/Gilles

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She won't read, but...
Quote from Cicka
I spend the last hour and some reading the other thread about the Aeva mod being removed and some other posts made by certain people here and I hate to say this but they all look like they should have been deleted or at least placed to a boar accessible to the staff and those other persons.
It started like that. It started in private places. But they didn't give a damn. That's why I silently left my membergroup. And replaced my downloadable files with links, in order to lead people into visiting my website if they wanted to get the free versions of my mods. I wasn't happy, but that was the least they could do for me -- find a way to keep me relatively happy.
Of course they wouldn't. They could have told me it wasn't allowed and my mods would be deleted entirely. They could. But they didn't. What they did, instead, was to develop quickly made, cheap replacement mods using names that could lead people into thinking they were made my me, put them online, and THEN they deleted my mods. If that doesn't warrant my anger, then what should! It was an obvious attempt to boot me off their website, BY the customize team, and ONLY them as far as I know.
Problem is, the CUSTOMIZE TEAM is the team in charge of all MODS. And I have the most popular SMF mod ever. One of the main Customize team members, who never liked me, wanted me off the site, and saw this as an opportunity to force it.
I only revealed what he did, WHY he did it, and what led me to determine it was him who did it.

Of course, there are also people like you who don't care about that. What you want is free mods, free forum software, and no hassle.
Because it does not beneft the community at large. It only makes a bad impressions and it is rather depressing. in my opinion they seem to be bitter posts from persons who thought that they had a right to be on the Staff because they spend x ampunt of time in Smf or developed x amount of mods.
I'm pretty sure that "Three YEARS, FULL time" is more than enough for ANYONE to justify a SMALL reward such as being introduced into a virtual team in charge of some software. Actually, most of the members of that team joined it very easily, after a couple of months of doing support stuff on the forum. Well, I have over 5000 posts of support on that forum, as well as mods that were downloaded several hundreds of thousands of times, generating thousands and thousands of posts, a feature that none of the competing mods offer, a gallery system that actually does better than all of the standalone gallery systems in many areas, etc, etc...
Of course that didn't count to them. Just the single fact that I joined the SMF Media Gallery team made the Customizer team hate me and ensured that I would never join the SMF team.
Just look at Dragooon -- he's a very nice guy (way nicer than I am). He co-wrote SMF Media Gallery (he actually created it). Was he ever invited into the team? Not that I know of! So it's really about the Customizer team blocking all possibilities of us joining the team.
Now, the rest of the team is taking this into account, and trying to make my life less miserable.
Still, they banned me for revealing that vbgamer45 is behind much of this.

Now, it's up to them... They can kick him out for endlessly using brute force to ensure he kept his position. Arantor and I will provide replacement mods for all of his stuff. And believe me, if Arantor and I come back to the community and join the dev team and everything, SMF2 will be out very soon. I'm pretty sure that's what most users want...
Which leads me to believe that the reason those persons 'helped out or contributed' here with the only reason to be part of the staff.
No. You didn't actually read my posts did you? I helped out for fun. I contributed out of love for the project. But when you spend time working on something, you want to be treated on equal terms with the other people who provide the same level of effort.
When you realize that after three years, practically no one has put as much effort into SMF as YOU have, and yet you have never been awarded any kind of leadership or even team membership, you start getting frustrated.

Ask them for WHY they never took me in the team. They will tell you that it's because I ASKED TOO MUCH to be made a team member. Now ask anyone: was this membership a REASONABLE request? If yes, then they should have given it long ago and it's their fault that anything is happening right now.
nd then they complain why it is taking Smf so long to be released. But what is the Staff going to do first, develop Smf or deal with these bitter persons?
In June 2010, I was made an "apprentice" developer, being promised that this would lead into a team position (right inside the team that was perfect for me -- developing SMF itself). For a month, I was pretty much the only one working on SMF's development (mainly for the last two weeks). I worked real hard on this. After a month (the usual duration of an apprenticeship), I was told the apprenticeship would be extended forever. However, tha decision wasn't due to issues between me and the team -- it was due to the fact that they never planned to actually make me a member of the team. They only wanted my help in finishing SMF and were hoping that I'd be lured into doing it with a "membership prize" over my head.
My question is: did they really think I would work for that? Did they really think I did not think I had deserved that position for at least two years? And they wanted to make me work even more on SMF? For what?
For a month, I fixed so many things, added so many things, that I should have been made a team member in a week. But of course it wasn't about that.

People don't care because they don't go through three years of working hard on something and then get pissed at by those they worked for.
I am sorry if some of my words seemed a little harsh and I am sorry if someone will feel offended by that but it was not my intention at all. I wanted to say soemthing about this situation. Can not we all put all the personal feelings aside and concentrare towards a greater goal whiich is the realse of SMf 2.0 Gold as soon as possible?
If they wanted it out as soon as possible, they should have hired all of those who were willing to do it.
Of course, the single fact that they didn't hire me, and actually tried to use me once again, should tell you a lot. They're willing to get it out ASAP, they're just not willing to do it themselves -- and they're ready to use tricks to make others do it.

SMF, what a fantastic team!!
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Offline Arantor

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The anti spam links mod is the one that itself uses to protect against linking (prevents linking in the user's first post, breaks links for the first 10 posts, marks it nofollow for up to 25 posts)

The one thing in it, Karl made it exclude links, so you could link to another thread or the manual or anywhere on, which was fine. vbgamer modified it to include $boardurl instead but without actually testing it (which meant it just spewed errors through not having $boardurl in scope, and not having the right parameters and not even writing the regexp correctly). Those things I could have lived with - after all, not everyone understands the subtleties involved. But what got me was that he just posted it on behalf of the Cust team without even testing it. I could understand if it was a subtle condition, but every link with a post in would have tripped it. And he didn't test it.

Oh, one thing I will point out, vbgamer was asked on one of his other sites about embed functionality and "decided he'd write it himself" rather than use a mod that's out there already.

The funniest thing is that he posted on last night to say he didn't understand what my beef with him was.
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Offline Nao/Gilles

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Ah, vbgamer...

I told everyone that his "Auto Embed Media Pro" mod was only made for his own financial interest. He used the fact that I removed the downloadable file for Aeva (through HIS actions), to force his own version into the mod site. Then, he added that mod to his Video Addon for SMF Gallery Pro. Now he's actually using it as a selling point for it.

Price for Video addon: $80. I'm not kidding you.
For stuff that you get for free, in a better implementation, in Aeva Media. (Plus, we had the original idea and implementation, too. He could have asked me to allow him interfacing SGP with Aeva Lite, I would have let him. I'm not into that kind of scheming really.)

This guy never ceases to amaze me... Not only what he's been doing -- but that he's doing it THIS so soon after he managed to get me banned (and thus, get Aeva Media into the shadow on the mod site), is just another proof that he feels like no one in the SMF team can say anything against him.
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Offline Arantor

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I'll let you read his comments on the subject for yourself -

In particular
Most of my mods I believe go though extra level of checks would take weeks for my major ones like ezportal,downloads etc. Sometimes I think they are too hard about formatting issues etc
To which I couldn't resist:
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Offline Tiribulus

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GEEEEEZ!!! I get hung up on some very important stuff for a while and all this happens.  :ouin:

I am sorry this long standing tension has deteriorated like this.

Offline DirtRider

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Wow I have been out of the loop for some time now I see this, what are they thinking  :mouais: 

Now this leaves me with a slight problem as I am upgrading from RC2 to RC3 and am running the following
Foxy! SMG      1.15
SMF Media Gallery      2.0.5
Aeva ~ Auto-Embed Video & Audio      7.0

So what do I now need to install when I upgrade, sorry I am now just a bit confused  :gnehe:
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Assuming your Foxy! subscription hasn't expired, uninstall all three of them, and then install Aeva Media v2.01.

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My Foxy subscription should still be ok. So Aeva Media v2.01. also have the Foxy features in it or do I then need to install Fox over it again
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Nope, no need to install Foxy!  Aeva Media 2+ combines all three of the mods you listed into one.   :gnehe: